Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thank you for another day: I am blessed

I wanted to share a short story with you…

This morning while I was at work, one of our advisors was ending her client meeting. As I sat there processing paperwork, I overheard a short conversation that touched my heart. The advisor continued to end her meeting by telling her clients to, “Have a blessed day” I didn’t think anything of it, because she always says that, but it was the client’s response that made my day… He responded, “We’re already blessed, we were able to get up this morning.”

Man, that’s so good, I said to myself.

I pondered this conversation the rest of the day.

How many of us really take the time to realize how blessed we are?
How blessed we are to wake up in the morning, how blessed we are for our jobs, how blessed we are for our surroundings, our families…
To have a God who is always by our side, who will never leave us, nor forsake us?
How blessed we are to have a God who loves us so dearly, He was willing to die for us?

I can honestly say I don’t think of this nearly as much as I should. And not only think about it, but to take time to Thank God for allowing me to wake up and enjoy another day. Another chance to be an example, to make a difference.
Isn’t that why He put us on this earth? To do the Lord’s work, to tell the world about our Lord Jesus Christ?

We are only here on this earth for a short time. Our life is but a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. At any time the Lord can call us home. Am I prepared for that? Are we? We should live our lives in such away that we won’t feel guilty about what we did or didn’t do in the end.

A life that honors and glorifies our Father in Heaven.

O Father, help me to be a light in the darkness…

He chose me and put me on this earth for a reason…Why me, Lord?

Because He has a special plan for my life. A plan that’s beginning to unravel in a powerful way. He’s building me up, and forming me into what He wants me to be.

Father, you are the potter, I am the clay…

Mold me so that I may be more and more like you. That I may love like you, teach like you, give grace and mercy like you do, lend a helping hand when it’s needed, that I may be a daughter that obeys you and longs to honor you with her words and actions, that I may grow in my walk and continue to do work that please you and brings honor and glory to your name.

It’s only because of you, my Sweet Savior,

that I have what I have, that I am able to do what I do. Nothing I have is mine; I was reminded of this last night while talking with a dear friend. It’s because of what you did on the cross that I have this life. You have blessed me with a life that I do not deserve, a life that is surrounded by loved ones who love me and support me, a life that you can choose to take away at any moment in time…

O Jesus, I do not deserve this…

But I am so thankful and grateful that He chose me and that He believes in me. I can only pray and hope that I bring Him glory. That I represent my Lord Jesus in a strong and mighty way, a way that will be eye opening to others. That I will be an example and show others the love and mercy He has shown me.

I can only try and give back what He has given me.

Well, at the least the story was short.... :-)

"Have a blessed day, my friends"

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