Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Father, My Daddy

I wrote this after I was recovering from surgery in January, I wanted to take a moment to share... Enjoy...

He is a Father who never lets go, a Father who loves unconditionally, a Father who has a purpose and plan for my life. Although He is not like my daddy here on earth, He cares for me the same.

My daddy has always been there for me
From skinning my knee, to my first heartache
My first day of school, to graduating highschool
Losing friendships, to finding long, lasting ones
Going to college, to moving away from home

My daddy has always loved me the same
From the day I was born, to the day he gives me away
Though that does not mean it will break our Father/Daughter relationship
There's something special, a bond
An unknown thing between us, something that only we know
He knows my sorrow and my happiness
We're eternally linked together

My daddy has always had a plan for me
From thinking I knew, to him helping me through
This plan is still in progress
I'm still finding the pieces to the puzzle
It's definitely a jigsaw
Hard to figure out, but takes time to work at
In the end, it's a beautiful picture
A masterpiece

My Father in Heaven is waiting my homecoming
The day He calls me home is soon coming
On this day I will be able to see Him face to face
Run to Him and call Him my Dad
Feel His arms around me, curl up in His lap, and embrace Him
Just as I have done with my Daddy

He'll be forever mine
You are forever mine

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