Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Catch Up & A Gas Adventure

It's been a long time since I have posted, my apologies. Things have been crazy here on my end, but I have found time between meetings, work, and finding a job to update you guys. I have started many posts, but have not finished them, I have them saved to my computer. This post will probably be a hodge podge, so be prepared. :-)

For those of you who don't know, my last day of work was Friday, so this week is crunch time, trying to find a new job. I must say, I've enjoyed the little bit I have acutally been able to sleep in. Much needed. I am already to the point of boredom, so I need to find a job...ASAP! Please join me in prayer for a job that I will enjoy and will be a place where I can make a difference.
I am starting to realize that during this time, the Lord is really wanting me to be still and wait on Him. Sometimes I think,

but God, I'm hungry, poor, need gas. Lord, I need a job now!

He quietly reminds me,

Daughter, be patient. Trust me, I have your best at heart. I will take care of you.

For instance, last Friday, my last day of work... Nashville decided to run out of gas. Perfect, not! I was on E!

Just my luck, I thought.

I started my quest to find gas, surely somewhere HAD to have gas. One side of town to another, no gas to be found. By this time I'm stressing... badly... and my gas light is on. I decided I should try to make it home. Although, I figured if I ran out on the interstate TDOT would come to my rescue and fill my tank... then I started noticing all the cars on the side of the interstate, flashers flashing, not moving, no one in them. Guess TDOT realized people would try to take advantage of them...

Oops, sorry Lord for even thinking that.

I finally made it home and took a 2 hour nap... stress will wear you out!

I had been talking with my roommate, Coo, who was at work, and we decided that when she got home we would take her car out and try to find gas. We went to different places, called some people... no gas. Our friend Megan called me and said she got one of our Pastors Costco cards and that they had gas! Coo and I were on the opposite side of town and decided to book it to Bellevue.
Now, let me just tell you this... Coo is a very, how do I put this... safe driver... so you can only imagine our drive. Megan called back to tell us she was 10 cars away and that Costco will close at 7:30pm. I looked at the clock in the car and saw 7:00pm staring back at me.

"Step on it, Coo!" I exclaimed.

We realized we had to get to Bellevue, get a gas container for me, and get in line... all in 30 minutes! Megan called about every 5-10 minutes telling us she was 7 cars away, 5, 3, 2...which was helpful but stressed Coo and I out even more. Haha.

Now to set this up for you...
Coo is driving, I am in the passenger seat shouting directions, and we're both cracking up all at the same time.

"Step on it, Coo. You're going to have to go faster than that. Left lane, get on over. Watch out, car in the way. Over, get on over. Now. Come on. Speed up. We gotta get a gas container when we get off the exit. Go to the right. We can make it. Jesus, help us!"

repeat this for about 15 minutes. Haha.

By Megans last call, I was jumping out of the car, running in the gas station, buying a gas container, (the cashier was cracking up), running back to the car, and hopping inside.
Megan was pumping gas and called to tell me to just walk up to her car and fill my container.
Coo and I arrived at 7:25 and the line was so long. I tumbled out of the car (while Coo got in line to wait), casually walking through traffic, afraid people were going to jump me and start yelling at me, since they could clearly see what I was doing... Carrying a gas container. I sneak up to Megans car and we realized the container was only 1 gallon!! But whatever, I got my one gallon and Megan got a full tank. :-) Megan left and I got back in the car with Coo. She wanted to try and fill up since she had half a tank. We were one car away from filling up when they RAN OUT OF GAS!!!!

We laughed, left, and decided to eat.

Stress will:

1) wear you out


2) make you hungry! :-)

Anyway, so we gave up and headed home. We were getting off on our exit and noticed the Shell station, which was out of gas earlier in the day, was open and had gas! We got home, and I filled my hungry Mazda with it's single gallon of gas,

and I told Coo,

"I'm going for it. I'm going up to the gas station, I'll let you know how bad the line is"

I got in line, turned my car off to save my precious gallon of gas and inched my way to the gas pump. Start, stop, repeat for 30 minutes. Finally, I got to the gas pump and I was so excited. The lady across from me was cracking up. I hopped out of my car, fed my hungry car, did a little hop, skip and jump, and plopped down in my car and headed home... thanking the Lord the whole way. (Oh and Coo was able to get gas too!)
I got home around 12 o'clock and started getting ready for bed. I was pulling back my comforter and the Lord clearly spoke to me. I felt like He was standing right beside me. I had never heard Him so audibly.

He said,

See, my child. I will take care of you. I have your best at heart. Don't doubt me. Trust in me.

I stood straight up, and began to apologize to my Father...

I'm so sorry for doubting you. You are my provider. How could I doubt you? Thank you for providing tonight and taking care of us.

I was sharing that with my small group tonight and I was telling them that God is so much bigger than a small gas crisis. He can do whatever He choses to do. He made this world and every single detail, just as He did with us and we chose to doubt Him and lose trust in Him?


Our adventure last Friday was a reminder for me that He loves us and He's got us in the palm of His hand. We shouldn't be worried about anything.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4:6

Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you. - 1Peter 5:7

**We started a Women's Fall Bible Study a few Monday's ago, and it is amazing! Be prepared to read my notes and learn about Discerning the Voice of God with me!***

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